This post is in part a prophetic word I believe the Holy Spirit has showed me to share with His people. As always, please pray and seek understanding if this word resonates with your spirit. I believe the Holy Spirit is speaking in part to His children and creating a larger picture. This word is like any other, one that should be tested and tried as it shows an in part depiction of the Father’s heart.
The first part of this word is a reflection to set up the larger portion.
In June 2021, there was a tangible manifestation of glory at my home worth a testimony. I had just moved in a few months prior and was in a season of searching where God was. Many good things were happening, but in the depths of my heart I cried for His presence and His nearness in my life. I longed for Him to come and dwell with me as He had before.
On June 10, 2021, I was walking my dog and heard the Holy Spirit say, “watch out for that snake.” A few days early, I had seen the snake slithering through my flowers and had gone (unnerved) about my business. That day when the Holy Spirit spoke to me, something in me shifted. I took another step and before I knew it, there was a snake trapped in ground covering that helps hold the soil in place on slopes. Its mouth was wide open after it inevitably lost its fight and suffocated in the plastic holes. I quickly ran inside, thinking it might still be alive, and heard the Holy Spirit say, “it’s dead, go back out and take note.”
I went back out and examined the snake closely. No blood. No cuts. Just death by his own doing on my property line.
I learned at this moment that the enemy will try to cross over onto your property to cause havoc. He will do his best to unnerve you, spark fear and ravage through your life. Like a snake, he slithers his way in. But, the bloodline of Christ supersedes any attack on him. When the bloodline has been drawn around your property, family and yourself, the enemy can’t win.
A few hours later, I was taking my dog back outside and walking onto my front porch I heard an unfamiliar cooing. I looked up and saw a dove in the hanging basket on my front porch. The dove roosted that year three times on my front porch and had five babies in that hanging basket. A significant number adding up to eight to show that God in His mercy was establishing a new season in my life.
I have held onto that memory from 2021 since then and summarize that season like this – The dove and the snake are at war, but the dove gets the glory. The dove receives the resting place.
Last week, a little over a year and half later, I walked out on my property and heard my favorite sound coming from the woods – the cooing of the doves.
I tell that introduction story to set us up for what I perceive the Lord is beginning to speak to His children.
The Dove is on a distant oak, and He is looking for His resting place.
Be ready.
When the dove comes, He is looking for a place to manifest His glory. He isn’t looking for perfection. He is looking for a willing vessel to move with Him. The enemy has crossed your boundaries, but the blood of Christ has choked him out.
I believe in this hour the Holy Spirit is making His presence evermore noticeable. He is coming closer, drawing closer to His children. He is providing comfort and peace for those He is longing to dwell with.
I hear the Lord say, “abide in your abode.” Stay in your current position, He is coming to your dwelling place.
When David wrote Psalm 56, he had just been captured in a distant land. He was seeing his enemies in close attack. They mocked him, judged him and pressed into their pursuit of attacking him greatly. David wrote the psalm in a lament of seeing and hearing his enemies whisper vile utterances in his ear, and it was sung to the tune of “dove on distant oaks.”
When I saw this in my Bible while flipping to Psalm 40, my heart was arrested. The doves have been returning from their migration back to my property and roosting, once again, on the trees (mostly oak trees) in my woods. When the Holy Spirit showed me the connection, my heart leapt with joy.
Many have felt the relentless pursuit of the enemy is wearing you down. The vile words of the enemy have consumed your thoughts. But, stand firm and recall His faithfulness. The vile attacks are only words that have no power and no authority.
Look up and off to the distant. The dove is coming. In fact, let’s be a bold company of believers who say, “the dove is here.“
Call out on His name and watch as your enemies retreat. Call out His name and watch the well-springs of revival in your heart, home, family and cities break out.
“My enemies will retreat when I call to you for help. This I know: God is on my side!”
Psalm 56:9
“To grant those who mourn in Zion, giving them a garland instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, the mantle of praise instead of a spirit of fainting. So they will be called oaks of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified.
Isaiah 61:3, emphasis mine
The planting of the Lord in this season has been for your good. You are coming out stronger, mightier and firmer in your faith. Endure the pressure points when you feel like giving in. Stay the course and watch as His river flows over your life. His blood covers you – don’t you know? He is looking for those who have the stamina to keep running when the adversaries are strong. He is looking for a dwelling place within those He is raising up as righteous oaks full of splendor and beauty.
Oak trees are some of the most majestic trees on earth. Because of their size, oaks require great amounts of water to satisfy their thirst.
Stay thirsty for His word. Let His word – His living water – fill you.
“On the last day, the climax of the festival, Jesus stood and shouted to the crowds, “Anyone who is thirsty may come to me! Anyone who believes in me may come and drink! For the Scriptures declare, ‘Rivers of living water will flow from His heart.’” (When he said “living water,” he was speaking of the Spirit, who would be given to everyone believing in Him. But the Spirit had not yet been given, because Jesus had not yet entered into his glory.”
John 7:37-39, New Living Translation
Friend, stay planted in His river of living water. The river is His heart poured out for you and its able to satisfy any need you have. His love poured out sustains you and keeps you safe within the boundaries of His presence guarding you day and night.
Oaks also bear fruit – acorns – which are seeds for new beginnings and new generations. Oaks are concerned about their heritage in the forest. They bear seeds as they mature and grow.
As you stay planted in this season, you are maturing and soon fruit will bear. Fruit not for you, but for those around you and those coming behind you. You are leaving a mark in the Kingdom because of your present trials.
The acorns from the oaks also feed others, even those unsuspected ones. The broken, lost and hurting are being drawn to you because of His glory shrouding you and they are able to feast. Stay guarded, stay filled, and stay planted in His word as others come.
An oak tree also has uses for storing alcohol like wine and for making instruments. New wine is being poured out on you as you lift up praise.
“That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither— whatever they do prospers.”
Psalm 1:3, New International Version
In prayer my spirit has been stirred towards Psalm 40 as the cry of His people during this hour.
I waited patiently for the Lord to help me, and he turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the pit of despair, out of the mud and the mire. He set my feet on solid ground and steadied me as I walked along. He has given me a new song to sing, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see what he has done and be amazed. They will put their trust in the Lord.
Verses 1 – 3, New Living Translation
Your trials and tribulations are less about you and more about His testimony. He is not far off and He has not forgotten you. He is interested in planting and establishing you for the season ahead. Like an oak tree, He is allowing this time of rooting to take place so you can flourish in the next.
Oh, the joys of those who trust the Lord, who have no confidence in the proud or in those who worship idols. O Lord my God, you have performed many wonders for us. Your plans for us are too numerous to list. You have no equal. If I tried to recite all your wonderful deeds, I would never come to the end of them. You take no delight in sacrifices or offerings. Now that you have made me listen, I finally understand — you don’t require burnt offerings or sin offerings. Then I said, “Look, I have come. As is written about me in the Scriptures: I take joy in doing your will, my God, for your instructions are written on my heart.”
Verses 4 – 8, New Living Translation, emphasis mine
Write His instructions on your heart. Stay in His word and be diligent about listening for His voice. It’s a whisper drawing you nearer. The instructions of this season are like a blueprint giving you strategy for what is being built in you and through you.
I have told all your people about your justice. I have not been afraid to speak out, as you, O Lord, well know. I have not kept the good news of your justice hidden in my heart; I have talked about your faithfulness and saving power. I have told everyone in the great assembly of your unfailing love and faithfulness. Lord, don’t hold back your tender mercies from me. Let your unfailing love and faithfulness always protect me. For troubles surround me—too many to count! My sins pile up so high I can’t see my way out. They outnumber the hairs on my head. I have lost all courage. Please, Lord, rescue me! Come quickly, Lord, and help me. May those who try to destroy me be humiliated and put to shame. May those who take delight in my trouble be turned back in disgrace. Let them be horrified by their shame, for they said, “Aha! We’ve got him now!” But may all who search for you be filled with joy and gladness in you. May those who love your salvation repeatedly shout, “The Lord is great!” As for me, since I am poor and needy, let the Lord keep me in his thoughts. You are my helper and my savior. O my God, do not delay.
Verses 9 – 17, New Living Translation, emphasis mine
He is your protector and provider. Jehovah-Jireh is making Himself known to His people!
The Dove is on a distant oak, and He is looking for His resting place.
The Holy Spirit is returning to His people in such a grandeur way. Dove migration patterns show that once a successful nesting has happened, the doves continue to return to that same spot year after year. The takeaway is this – He is returning to those who want more of Him.
The revivals springing up across America are tangible proof of His glory that is manifesting. Jump into the river, friend. Don’t miss the Dove because of religious ideals or perspectives.
The Dove is coming closer…the Dove is here descending for such a time as this.
“Sing for joy and be glad, O daughter of Zion; for behold I am coming and I will dwell in your midst,” declares the Lord.
Zechariah 2:10
Stay alert and watchful as the Dove is moving from His dwelling place to rest among His people. In this hour, as I have seen in my past, the Holy Spirit is showing proof of His presence to those who are watchful. Be reminded that when you see or hear the cooing of the dove, He is near. And be reminded that His feathers cover you (Psalm 90). Each natural sign (whether by a dove or a feather) is further proof that He is dwelling in His descendent to be among His people.
Reading scripture from my calendar it gave me psa 56 the beginning, said, a tune to be sung the on distant Oaks and that is how I came across your blog, looking for the song and with the Holy Spirit put in your heart, gave you wisdom to understand to putting it in writing was so encouraging it was so beautiful and could not stop reading. This was a message for me from the Holy Spirit. Everything that I read tonight pertain to my life, being attentive to the voice of God trusting God continue to be diligent in seeking him way patiently for the manifestation the Lord work through the channels of men and he used you in a mighty way to bring forth his message. I receive it. I will apply it. I want to say God bless you thank you and continue to press so that you can be used by God to encourage others. I love how you explained in the beginning of your blog about God’s protection how the enemy tries to cross the boundaries of your life and how the dove is our protection I also love how you said I will trials and tribulations are not about us. It is more about God’s testimony how awesome is that? I love it when Paul says not to think too much of yourself sometimes I think too much of myself and God has to bring me down a peg or two OMG, it is not about me. Thank you for exposing the flesh. Thank you again Hannah. it was a blessing to read what God has revealed to you and to give testimony
Thank you for the encouraging words, Venise! I am so glad to hear this touched you. May God bless and keep you!